Want to help others understand how move beyond being employed, and also gain satisfaction from work?
For many people, having face-to-face interactions to better understand and ask questions is the most effective way for them to learn. This is the reason we created the Ask The Expert series of regular conversations.
Offer weekly sessions with expertsAsk The Expert is a remarkable opportunity to share valuable information with your community about how to plan to be motivated, engaged and satisfied from work, without having to increase your capacity. The Ask The Expert conversations will:
Access expertise
Our experts will lead each session with a limited-sized group, sharing Career Fit principles as well as addressing specific questions.
Live Q&A
Your community will have the opportunity to submit questions, concerns and challenges to our experts both during and in advance of each session.
Gain additional insights
The conversations will allow participants to understand how to identify, find and get positions that will lead to workplace satisfaction and success.
Reduce the stress of having to answer questions on how to find satisfaction at work
Let us deliver the Finding Career Fit™ approach and do the heavy lifting for you. By offering Ask The Expert, you will be able to focus on what you do best while helping others get actual satisfaction at work. Our experts will be live online to support the process and ensure that everyone can achieve the goal of having a great career at work. A career where they are the star, where they are at their best, leaving them excited and motivated by their work.
Offer weekly sessions with our experts
Help your community find workplace satisfaction
There is no reason for the people you support to be part of the Great Resignation, to be Quiet Quitting or for them to be disengaged at work. Finding the right position is important, connecting it to the right career is essential - yet most people are uncertain how to do this. This is why we created our Finding Career Fit™ programs to help them see the pathway to workplace satisfaction. Offer these discussions and access to career fit experts to your community today.
Reserve your seats at the weekly sessionsShare the steps to finding satisfaction, engagement and success at work
Would you like to help your community, one that is struggling with the stress caused by the realities of today's workplace? Your team is already at capacity, but you would like to support your community to move beyond the job capacity to find a position that will motivate, challenge and leave them feeling good?
Get a subscription to unlimited Finding Career Fit™ on-demand workshops to allow your community the opportunity to change their overall satisfaction at work.
Unlock on-demand Career Fit workshops